apple store 地址:https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/login1.首先登录appstoreconnect中心https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/01102714303.jpg现在登录需要双重验证,请确保账户已经开通!https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/02716678960.jpg2.在appstoreconnect中心找到协议、税务和银行业务https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/03175458163.jpg点击进入协议、税务和银行业务版块,进行下一步的申请https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/04897118388.jpg可以看到,默认的【免费应用程序】是和账号的到期时间是一致的!而【付费应用程序】则需要“同意条款”点击右侧“查看并同意条款”
点击,填写美国报税表https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/30693250952.jpg 您是否被视为美国税务居民 (U.S. Tax Resident) ?
一般来说,如果您符合以下条件,则您可被视为美国居民:(1) 在本日历年的任何时间,根据美国移民法,您是美国合法永久居民,该身份未撤销,且未从行政或司法角度认定为已放弃该身份;或者 (2) 您在本年度内至少在美国实际居留 31 天,在包含本年度及前两年在内的总计 3 年期内在美国实际居留至少 183 天。点按此处进一步了解“美国居民”的定义。
一般来说,如果您在美国有雇员,或在美国拥有、租用或控制设备或其他资产,并且使用这些资产通过 Apple 赚得收入,则表示您在美国有商业活动。
6.填写详细税务协议单https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/14/35379051572.jpgCertificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner受益所有人的外国身份证明1. Individual or Organization Name
个人或公司组织名 系统默认
2. Country of Incorporation
地区或国家 系统默认 中国大陆
3. Type of Beneficial Owner受益人类型 自行选择,公司就选公司,个人选个人4. Permanent Residence常住地 系统默认(如不正确,请在第一项地址里面修改)
5. Mailing Address邮寄地址 系统默认(如不正确,请在第一项地址里面修改)Certification
I declare that the individual or organization named above is the beneficial owner of any payments made under the agreement. I declare that the beneficial owner does not have any employees in the United States and does not own, lease, or control any equipment or other assets in the United States that are used to derive revenue from Apple. I declare that I am either the beneficial owner or that I am authorized to make this declaration on behalf of the beneficial owner.
Name of Person making this Declarationhttps://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/15/02016347012.jpg以上信息正确,请注意勾选此处协议!
Title :输入框 —— 职位签名,英文名+CEO 总经理...
W-8BEN-E 代用表
Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities) (Rev. July 2017)
我们建议您在填写 W-8BEN-E 代用表之前先查看 W-8BEN-E 代用表提示页和 W-8BEN-E 报税表说明。
如果您之前提交过 W-8BEN-E 代用表,则您现在填写的 W-8BEN-E 代用表将替换并取代您之前提交的 W-8BEN-E 代用表。
如果您是合伙公司,并且希望通过 Apple Developer Program 申请与您的收入相关的协定利益,请参阅有关提交更新的税务信息的常见问题解答。该部分可以全部留空!https://s.yimenyun.net/2019-03/19/15/06499725443.jpg
Part III: Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (If Applicable). (For chapter 3 purposes only)
14. I certify that (check all that apply)
The beneficial owner is a resident of China mainland within the meaning of the income tax treaty between United States and that country.
The beneficial owner derives the item (or items) of income for which the treaty benefits are claimed, and, if applicable, meets the requirements of the treaty provision dealing with limitation on benefits. The following are types of limitation on benefits provisions that may be included in an applicable tax treaty (check only one; see instructions):
Type of limitation on benefits provisions
The beneficial owner is claiming treaty benefits for dividends received from a foreign corporation or interest from a U.S. trade or business of a foreign corporation and meets qualified resident status (see instructions).
15. Special rate and Conditions
The beneficial owner is claiming the provisions of Article and paragraph
of the treaty identified on line 14a above to claim a
% rate of withholding on (specify type of income):
Income from the sale of applications
Other (please specify)